Half banana
JoinedPosts by Half banana
Royal Commission taking our emails to heart
by wannaexit induring the proceedings of australian royal commission, as many of you, i also took time to share with the office of mr stewart, my thoughts and perspective on what what being said and not said by the witness elders on the stand.
within a day a received a reply from office of angus stewart thanking and appreciating the insight from those on the "inside".
yesterday i received a further email that my correspondence was passed on to case study 29 (jehovah's witnesses) team for their consideration.. it sounds like they are taking all our collective experience and knowledge into account as the commission continues its work..
Half banana
The Watchtower is a religious dictatorship...and we are not used to a democratic listening ear in connection with them. -
Hebrew Was The First Language
by Bloody Hotdogs! inaccording to the newest watchtower:.
jehovah communicated with adam in the garden of eden, using human language.
god likely did so in an ancient form of hebrew.
Half banana
Since early man with a vocal apparatus and the appropriate brain development (known from the brain imprints on skull interiors) have walked the earth and made stone tools for two and three quarter million years; it is likely they had verbal communication. So no one is ever going to know the earliest language. -
Price for Child Abuse
by vinman inhow much money do you think the watchtower will have to dish out for this scandal in australia?
Half banana
Since their income seems to be in astronomical figures even if they were required to pay a billion Dollars compensation that would possibly only knock them back a year or two before they recovered. They would just have to keep construction projects on hold for a bit longer or sell off more of their vast property portfolio.
What would be more hurtful to them would be to receive exposure in the world media for their uncaring attitude for the victims of child abuse and the arrogance in dealing with it "in house".
To really hurt this cult will require enormous amounts of bad publicity over a long period of time, then to have most of their money spent on claims against them and thirdly a dramatic drop in the number of followers.
Theory of Evolution and humanity are moving in parallel, and in opposite direction too!
by iconoclastic inproponents of evolution theory was comfortable with their easiest method of induction that says something like this: i saw a blind man in the us, then in russia, then in australian, then in africa ..., hence all men are blind.
yet proofs are abundant for the decline (opposite of evolution) we experience globally!.
1) most humans declined into greed, the result of which is climate change which has the potential to wipe out all life from the earth.
Half banana
Iconoclastic, why not go on a course of critical thinking? Scepticism is the best approach to assess information.
When you write something ask questions like; is this really true? Is there concrete evidence for this? Is the evidence from a reliable source? Are there arguments which would invalidate this statement? Is my argument internally coherent? Is that evidence falsifiable? If it's not, it's not worth being called evidence, a good example of an unfalsifiable statement is, "God is love", it is thereby rendered to be a mere assumption... on which nothing more can be built.
When dealing with theorems such as evolution we can ask; Does this statement, or mine, agree with the scientific method i.e peer reviewed by other scientists and does it have have the ability to be replicated to test for its truthfulness? For there is no better way of determining something as being true than the scientific method, unless you have found one?
You have many crossed threads in your post such as making evolution responsible for the cultural societies of Homo sapiens. If you want to make this link you have to demonstrate that evolution is true or false in the first place and then illustrate the connection. If you are trying to make a logical argument or statement you must remove personal bias and emotion from it.
New convention theme
by StarTrekAngel injust wanted to post here real quick, as many have joked about it.
we had an announcement in our cong last week about the upcoming one day assembly.
the title of the assembly is "imitate jehovah".
Half banana
"Imitate Jehovah"What!-------------- become an invisible, ineffectual non-entity?
Although attributed with love in people's minds, this God has a hair trigger response to heresy, his outstanding features are genocide, xenophobia, homophobia, megalomaniac power, vindictive to his own offspring and indifferent to the sufferings of those who don't worship him in the specific way he prescribes.
Jehovah or Yahweh is the very last possible thing anyone should imitate. Most humans do far better than Jehovah. Give the assembly a miss!
Half banana
Actually "calamari" was the thing which instantly showed on the brain screen, then I thought "giant squid" then; what a horrid WT illustration? Then I thought it's a depiction of a paranoid state of mind and lastly; a nightmare of magic realism. You did ask. -
Does Good exist?
by Bugbear inatheists, deists, or believer.....basic philosophic ground .
either good exist, or has never been, or is dead.
those are he the three basic premises that we all humans must take a stand to.
Half banana
Bugbear, I think you are not a native English speaker but as Stillin asks do you mean god or good? -
disfelloshiped treated worse then lepers
by poopie inwow lepers could at least cry out unclean unclean
Half banana
I think with the recent publicity about JWs and their inability to act responsibly in child abuse cases, it's they who might be feeling like lepers. -
Buddhism Anyone?
by LaurenM inso, i have recently been delving in buddhism and i must say it all makes sense!
like, the philosophies and ideas are what i've always believed but could never put a name to.
for example, they don't believe in god, they teach acceptance of all faiths, that peace can be achieved - not by changing other people - but by changing yourself, that everyone has goodness in themselves, that happiness can be gained internally (not externally as a gift from god), and that life is temporary so we should enjoy it!
Half banana
It sounds good just like the promise of paradise did.
Buddha= Awakened one...the're already a lot of Buddhas around here.
Jesus is not Michael the Archangel here is why
by paradisebeauty inone of the biggest missunderstanding and unbiblical teaching of the jw's is that jesus is michael the archangel.
here is what proffessor anthony buzzard has to say about this:.
Half banana
The intellectual failure present here is that no one is recognising that the subject matter is religious mythology and not a matter of evidential facts. All that is possible to attempt is to make a coherent pattern from the stories of antiquity. The Bible, both Hebrew and NT are the conflation of eclectic pagan myths and by sanctifying them; religious people will look for unity even where it is flagrantly in contradiction. In mythology people and spirits fuse, they morph and become other characters...if your subjects do that: you are in myth territory.
There can be no orthodoxy derived from them. You pays your money and you takes your choice.